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Which flowers cannot be easily given away?

花好网     2023-03-28     浏览(179427)

People who like flowers and plants always like to make everyone around them like them, just like themselves. Therefore, when given the opportunity, they will talk about flowers and plants and give them some flowers that are easy to live and cultivate. If you meet a friend or relative for a wedding event, such as a housewarming, birthday, or opening a new store, sending a pot or two of flowers is really the most auspicious blessing.

However, it is necessary to be able to send flowers. It is necessary to first understand whether friends and relatives like flowers or not, and whether there are any taboos. Do not send flowers to avenge others, without knowing it. As there is a saying, "Don't send flowers and plants indiscriminately, send them wrongly and become enemies.". Do you know any flowers that cannot be given away?

1. Hibiscus flower

Fusang flower has a strong flowering ability, but its flower color is not too rich, and its single flowering period is also short, even when it opens in the morning and sets at night. Many people think it is unlucky. With its name, Fusang's homonym "mourning" is even more disliked by more people. For this reason, it even became "Zhu Jin". But the name Fusang Flower is really deeply rooted in people's hearts. It is difficult to change people's impression.
Many flower friends who like Fusang do not care about the so-called "morning opening and evening setting", as well as the homophonic stem, which has been kept at home. If you don't like it, you will naturally avoid it. However, to be honest, if you really want to give flowers and plants to others, this Fusang flower really cannot be given to others, such as homophonic stems and bowl lotus flowers. If relatives and friends give these flowers for a wedding, it will definitely turn into enemies.
However, if you like to keep them at home, no one can say anything. Autumn is a good time for Fusang flowers to bloom. Their growth and development will be very fast, and their flowering ability will also be very strong. In addition to strengthening sunlight, it is the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Before the flowering period, mix Huaduoduo No. 2 with 1000 times the fertilizer solution and spray the leaves for 3 consecutive days, with an interval of one week each time. When the flowers bloom, you will not regret raising them.

2. Chrysanthemum flower

In the good season of autumn, how can we avoid the addition of chrysanthemums? There are many varieties of chrysanthemums, and autumn is a good time to cultivate chrysanthemums. Later, blooming chrysanthemums can be seen everywhere. However, if you pay attention, you will find that white or yellow chrysanthemums are rarely seen. This white and yellow chrysanthemum is said to represent mourning for the passing of relatives and friends, and is commonly seen at funerals and cemeteries.
If you send one or more pots of yellow and white chrysanthemums to your relatives and friends for another wedding, you will not only become enemies, but you will have to be beaten. Although chrysanthemum is one of the top ten famous flowers in China, yellow and white are really not good gifts. The flowers and colors of chrysanthemums are very rich. If you like them, it would be great to keep them at home.
As mentioned earlier, autumn is a good season for chrysanthemums, mainly because chrysanthemums are particularly suitable for planting and flowering in autumn. Some red, pink, and purple chrysanthemums are particularly popular and easy to maintain. The chrysanthemum seedlings you buy now can carry flower buds. Leave it at home and wait for it to bloom. Don't think about spraying a little more Huaduo No. 2. After the bud expands, it is not suitable for fertilization. Remember.

3. Plum blossom

Plum blossom is also a homonym. The word "plum blossom" refers to "mildew" or "no". If it is a family member or friend in business or an elderly person in the family, do not give it randomly. Usually, the more business people do, the more particular they are about this. "This is especially true if there is an elderly person at home. If you send it, the elderly person will have a minor illness and a minor disaster. Thinking of the plum blossom you sent will make you hate to death. This is really not a joke.".
In fact, regardless of pronunciation, the meaning of plum blossom is very good, representing the handsome, proud, strong, and elegant wind and phoenix. Most of them are made into bonsai and placed at home, which is very artistic. However, everything is fine in my own family, and it's really not good to give people away randomly. Even if you want to give them away, you should also make inquiries. They don't have these taboos.
There is no great difficulty in maintaining plum blossoms. Those who like to cultivate them can start now. Some are not yet bonsai, but can only be considered potted plum blossoms. They are not expensive to sell in the flower market, so just move them home and raise them. However, don't rush to put it indoors. It also needs to be vernalized at a low temperature before it can blossom.

4. A golden clock hung upside down

Not only is its name unlucky, but its flowers also resemble a small wall clock, causing many flower lovers to love and hate it. After all, when the upside down golden clock blooms, it's really beautiful. However, it's really difficult to raise it, and adult upside down golden clocks are very difficult in summer. Under natural conditions, it can easily become dry firewood. Many astute flower buddies have cut early in the spring and bred many small golden bells, which is because young seedlings are easier to spend summer than adult seedlings.
However, there are also many people who do not like hanging a golden clock upside down. It is difficult to raise it, as well as its homophonic stems and the shape of flowers, which are both meanings of a pendant clock. If you take this flower as a gift, you can definitely jump it up. Especially for families with elderly people in their homes, if the elderly person's health is not very good, be careful, they will really be beaten.
However, personally speaking, I still like to hang on to the golden clock. Although it's difficult to spend the summer, you can safely spend the summer by changing the ambient temperature. If you feel that this is too expensive, you can also make a backup in advance, as mentioned earlier. If we can safely spend summer, we can keep blooming in autumn until winter. Using Huaduo No. 2 can let you see more and more colorful bell flowers. If you like, you can raise them. Remember to spray some Huaduo No. 2 before flowering.

"Flowers and plants are not given indiscriminately, but they can become enemies by mistake." There are many flowers, although they are very beautiful and easy to maintain, but for this and that reason, they are considered unlucky and cannot be given as gifts. "You still need to know more about these aspects. After all, you think it's normal and doesn't matter, but may people be very taboo?"? So, sending flowers is really learning. If you send them well, everyone will be happy. If you don't send them well, you can cause big problems.