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Graduation greetings

花好网     2017-08-09     浏览(220910)
★I wish you a smooth journey home, I wish you all the best in your job search, I wish you all the best in your work, I wish you all the best in your life, the leader sees you as your eyes, your parents see you as your heart, everything is smooth, always smooth, smooth Good luck.

★After graduation, please spread your flying wings and pursue your ideals persistently; after graduation, please swing your happy sculls to meet good hope. Graduated, with blessings, with strength, and move forward bravely! I wish you all the best, and the brave are fearless!

★Send you flowers, I wish you always like flowers and jade, I send you candy, I wish you always sweet and sweet, I send you a graduation congratulatory message, I wish you happiness, youth and good luck, don’t forget we will always miss you !

★We have been together for a few years, and our laughter and laughter will not stop; after graduation, we are separated, and friendship binds us together; space separates us, blessings let us not be lonely; immediately go to things and look forward to seeing you again in the future, I wish you a bright future!

★Gathering is the opening of dreams; gathering is the fragrance of fate; dispersing is the shining of dreams; dispersing is the longevity of fate; the graduation horn has been blown, gathering and dispersing are all good times, carrying ideals, carrying blessings, and carrying Exhort, bravely go on the waves, there is the light you yearn for on the road.

★ "Graduation", "Friends Don't Cry", although we are "difficult to give up", "Tomorrow will be better", "Meeting is a song", "Graduation" is a song, "Don't worry about flying", "Good Trip", "Stars Are Still Bright", "Friendship Is Everlasting".

★In the lush "campus", we are engraved with the figure of "youth"; in the sunny "classroom", our "diligence" smiles are frozen; in the "examination room" where we work hard, we test our "academic" The harvest; and all this will become the eternal "memory" in the future. When we graduate, I hope we will use "efforts" to welcome the future life!

★It is love that makes us meet, it is love that makes us know each other, it is love that makes us fall in love, it is love that makes us cry, it is love that makes us hard to give up, it is love that makes us wave, it is love that makes us care, and it is love that makes us bless , When I graduated, I still love to let me say to you-cherish it.

★Graduation is imminent, I hope that the love of classmates will pave the road to the future, and there will be no loneliness and loneliness when walking alone; I hope that the love of teachers and students will brace the sails and drive on the rough sea, and ride the wind and waves to shore smoothly; friends, the separation is not terrible, decorate with diligence In the future, use hard work to polish your career, I wish you a bright future, a brilliant career, and your dreams come true.

★The future is very long, and my youth has not yet ended. I want to be a flying butterfly, flying between dream and reality. If people fly, the hearts follow each other. Graduation is coming soon. I want to say to you: bless your heart. Fly to you all the time!

★You are very talented in school. After graduation, I hope you have a lavish life, a good job, and a domineering career. You should be kind to your friends, don’t be discouraged when you encounter difficulties, and don’t be angry, lucky, and happy with the villain. be with you.

★Meeting is not easy, a few years have passed in a blink of an eye, the strongest classmate love, engraved in the heart, the graduation season is coming, blessings are the first, go to the north and south, take good care of your health, see you again in the future, wishing you will grow up, and your love will be sweet. Life is beautiful!

★At the place where the setting sun sets, we wave our hands to say goodbye; at the flat line where the sun rises, we will reunite with surprise again! Let happiness be whatever you want and sadness away, when we graduate, let us be confident to create our own world!

★Four years of vision, looking forward to a long time, surging with vigorous hope; youthful years, recalling short memories, full of good times; graduation is imminent, profound friendship is unforgettable, full of tears; blessings are sent, sincere wishes are passed on, May happiness and happiness!

★It’s like a breeze in June, and it’s time to break up again. I prayed for myself and my friends with a feeling of reluctance; I graduated, and there are fewer opportunities to meet in the future. Everyone is busy for their own future. Classmates will remember the time deep in their hearts; the end means the beginning, and there is no permanent banquet in the world. Life is like a dream and lies in cherishing!

★We are going to graduate, we will sail to the broad sea, spread our wings and fly high in the vast sky, remember whether it is the stormy sea or the clear sky, I am silently blessing you, and wish you a bright future!

★Unforgettable sweat swaying together on the court, unforgettable back view of learning together in class, unforgettable jokes in the bedroom, unforgettable cherishment of each other when parting. After graduating and stepping out of the campus, we are heading to a wider world. I wish my brothers work hard together to create their own glory! When we get together again, I hope you can all be rich!

★It’s like a breeze in June, and it’s time to break up again. I prayed for myself and my friends with a feeling of reluctance; I graduated, and there are fewer opportunities to meet in the future. Everyone is busy for their own future. Classmates will remember the time deep in their hearts; the end means the beginning, and there is no permanent banquet in the world. Life is like a dream and lies in cherishing!

★Friendship is the holiest spiritual thing. She will not only take root and sprout in the same sex, but also blossom and bear fruit in the opposite sex. Will not be forgotten by the momentary separation!

★ Those who walk in the desert hope for sweet spring water; those who struggle in adversity long for sincere friendship.

★After graduation, the distance between us will be farther, but my QQ will not change, and my mobile number will always be used. You can find me anytime and anywhere, and our friendship remains the same as before. Remember me and keep in touch.

★In the throbbing memory, there are you and me, sharing the joys and sorrows; in the years of nostalgia, there are bitterness and happiness, sour and sweet; under the constant friendship, there are fights and troubles, sincere blessings. After graduating, I love you the most. I hope we will all work hard on the way to pursue our dreams and win in the future.

★With your dreams, you will have hope; with hard work, you will be good at whatever you do; with passion, your life will be wonderful; with care and love, you will have good popularity. If you are about to graduate, you are about to go on separate journeys. If there is nothing to give you, just send you these words of encouragement. I wish you a bright future and a happy life! Old classmates, please keep in touch!

★I graduated, and I really left this time. Young directors, "My University" is really finished. It's not that I don't want to look back, but there is too much reluctance to look back. There is no family, love, and friendship in the four years. Shao, in the past four years, I have loved laughing, crying, embarrassed, drunk, hated, and jealous. I hope that no matter the ends of the world, our friendship will last forever, and that regardless of the passage of time, we will miss each other, just hope that you will be happy all the time!

★Forget it, the way I make you angry, remember the moments of beautiful getting along; forget it, this separation that has to be faced, remember that one day I will meet and raise my glass. Graduated, dear, the future is yours!

★I want to pick a bud of youth, I want to keep a fragrant memory, I want to open a precious book, I want to cherish a beautiful page of friendship, please take my most sincere blessings with you, Let happiness and happiness always be with you.

★After graduation, you must have a happy heart, give others a bright smile, give yourself a sincere self, draw a perfect end to your studies, and give your career a beautiful start. I wish a successful career, a great benefit, the best of both worlds, three positives, good luck in all directions, abundant harvests, six or six great successes, seven stars and awe-inspiring!

★I hate this time, it flies quickly, and it’s the graduation season in a blink of an eye; I hate this time, it’s slow, and goodbye always feels far away. After graduation, no matter what, the stage of life is right in front of you. I wish you all the best!

★The wind blew away the blessings, the rain blurred the sight of expectation, I tightened my longing complex, facing the banquet set by the years, we diligently persuaded each other to drink, as if not saying love or reluctance, both Behind the sentence. We all understand that there will never be anything more pure and beautiful than this glass of wine in the future!

★On the road of life, cry if you want to cry, laugh if you want to laugh, don't forget to hurry! In the years after graduation, I wish you every day to cheer for success, and ecstasy for rapid development every day, I wish you success!